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bluefocus international provides professional communication services
to many fortune 500 companies in north america and europe
as well as those chinese companies going abroad.

蓝标国际总部位于中国香港,为北美、西欧等众多全球500强品牌以及“出海”的中国品牌提供国际化传播服务。2021年蓝色光标国际业务引进战略投资者cvc和cdpq,旗下被投企业包括vision7、we are social、metta等多家行业内享有盛誉的数字营销、公共关系、整合传播和广告代理公司的子品牌,以及享有盛誉的工业设计公司fuse project。

with its headquarter in hongkong, china, bluefocus international provides professional communication services to many fortune 500 companies in north america and europe as well as those chinese companies going abroad. bluefocus international business introduced strategic investors cvc and cdpq. vision7 international, we are social, metta are some major subsidiaries in digital marketing, public relations, integrated communication and media agency, and fuse project is a well-established industrial design company.
